Artist. Creator. Seed Keeper

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Renaissance Woman

Adia Jamille is a multidisciplinary creator. All of her endeavors work towards the common goal of reclamation and restitution. Reclaiming skills, practices, and knowledge that were lost due to being a descendant of enslaved Africans, and putting them into common practice.

Connecting my past, present, and future

through art.


Multidisciplinary Artist

Primarily a fiber artist working to cultivate traditional fiber art skills.


β€œIt’s one thing to donate money. It’s a whole other thing to give an opportunity for someone to make [their] own money.”

-Liya Kebede

Sustaining Community (Membership)
Every month
Every month

Your membership will allow you exclusive access to my progress with my art. You'll have first access to my new work, the story behind the new work, and how I made the work (via the blog). You'll also have first dibs on opportunities to buy original work. And so much more! But mostly, you'll allow me the peace to keep creating so my work can become self sustaining.

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Donation Opportunities

Donations are used for continuing educational and professional pursuits. This includes applying for opportunities (exhibitions, residencies, etc.), buying supplies (art is expensive!), and studio space (gotta work somewhere). It is through community support that goals are met and experience gained.